Your single source of truth for preclinical operations

ReSync coordinates labs, data, and AI models on one platform. Stop wrangling with emails and spreadsheets – find data and make decisions twice as fast.

A user interface for a molecular design program. The header reads 'Welcome, Rees' with a navigation path showing 'PROGRAMS > RSNC-001 > MOLECULES'. The main content displays a grid of 15 molecular structures, each labeled with an identifier (e.g., RSNC-VC-266) and a status tag. Most structures are tagged 'VIRTUAL DESIGN' in purple, while a few are tagged 'SYNTHESIS REQUESTED' in yellow or 'SYNTHESIZED' in green. Each molecule is represented by its structural formula and has a 'View data' option. The interface includes a sidebar with icons for different functionalities.




Manual bottlenecks for assays & synthesis

Automated, rules-based decision making

Parsing CRO emails

Visualize results in minutes

Hiring or contracting to build bespoke data flows

Plug-and-play solution that preserves your time, runway, and sanity




Software silos

Collaborative workflows

Data living (and hiding) across platforms

Everything in one place

AI models with disjointed prediction, experimental, and training data

Data consolidated for easy access by your ML team and scientists




Manual errors

Decision co-pilot

Sending data into the void

You control who sees what data and when

IP vulnerabilities

Secure data infrastructure

Enabling AI adoption + untangling AI-native workflows

ReSync is your machine learning and AI hub. One platform with all your data to train models and host them for easy use by your chemists, biologists, engineers, and management.

With a turnkey data engineering solution, any biotech can capitalize on AI.

A scientist with safety googles is looking at a computer, typing on a keyboard. They are sitting inside a brightly lit laboratory space.

Use Cases

Biotech software stacks are a mess—ReSync eliminates the operational bottlenecks in your pipeline.

Coordinate preclinical requests and data across multiple CROs, labs, and software tools. Organize data for your IND package – without scrambling before the deadline

Preclinical Science

Modernize workflows to improve inter-lab collaborations and partnerships with biopharma. Organize data for more efficient academic drug discovery.

Academic Research

Reconcile R&D payments and track spend. Consolidate invoices from CROs and partners.


Preserve runway by shaving weeks off your timelines and saving thousands on bespoke data engineering solutions. Increase the efficiency and speed of your preclinical decision making to bring drugs to the clinic faster.

Biotech Management

Sync the tools your team uses so engineers don’t waste time reinventing custom platforms. Centralize data and ML models for optimal training.

Informatics & Engineering

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Decades of experience building platforms

Before ReSync, our team built platforms for leading life sciences and technology companies.

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